Which monitoring portals are integrated with Gdash?
Which monitoring portals are integrated with Gdash? ABB/Fimer Aurora Vision - https://www.auroravision.net APsystems - https://apsystemsema.com/ Canadian CSI Solar - http://monitoring.csisolar.com/login Ecosolys - https://debug.ecosolys.com.br:8181/DashboardEcosolysWeb-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/ Elgin Solar - httpSome readersUser profile settings
User configuration Clicking on the profile icon in the top right-hand corner will bring up a mini-window with the user's name, profile picture and e-mail address. Simply click on "My profile" to access the user's full details. After editing the data, simply scroll down till you find this image and finalize the change by clickingFew readersAccount settings: General
Account settings: General To access the account settings, we first need to go to settings and then click on account. After clicking on account you will be redirected to the following page. In the General tab, you can view the current status of your account, and you can also upgrade, cancel your subscriptioFew readersHow do I create a user in GDash?
How do I create a user in GDash? To create a new user in GDash, you must go to the account settings in settings and then click on account. Then click on Users section, add new user Choose whether you wish to add a customer or a team member (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/80ffc517dd839800/iFew readersAccount Setup
Account settings To access the account settings, we first need to go to settings and then click on account settings. After clicking on settings you will be redirected to the following page. Under account settings you can access 4 tabs (click on the links below to be directed): My Profile Appearance SubscriptionFew readers