Customize GDash Reports with your company brand

By setting your company colors and logo in the monthly reports you send to your clients, you generate more trust and improve your branding. Here's how to personalize your monthly reports:

In the top corner of the home page, click on the icon ⚙ to access the system's Advanced Settings.

In Appearance you can edit the colors of your brand or company by entering the information in Color change.

To insert light or dark versions of your logo, upload your file in Logo change, then Save.

In the menu on the right, customize how you send your customers an e-mail with a monthly report on energy generation.

In the top corner of the home page, click on the icon ⚙ to access the system's advanced settings.

In the top corner of the home page, E-mail and notifications activate the option to send monthly reports automatically to your customers emails.

Customize the Email introductory text for your customers. Don't forget to Save it.

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Updated on: 29/11/2023

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